Monday, December 8, 2014

Studying for Finals: Locations

During finals week, most buildings at your school will remain open for longer, so you can study longer. The library will probably be open 24/7 and other buildings (like your union) will be open a couple hours past its normal closing time. 

Now normally, everyone floods the library during finals week. This makes the once quiet and almost desolate library now loud, hot, and crowded. Sometimes you can't find a table to sit at, let alone find a level of noise that you can study with. Because between the one floor that you can whisper, everyone is whispering too loud, and the next floor is WAYYY too quiet, you're at a loss. 

Try going somewhere other than the library. Other buildings are open and the 24 hours a day thing really messes with you. Sleep is important. Try utilizing these buildings/rooms because they could help you out the most. You can even talk on them. Sometimes, because everyone is at the library, you may be the only one in that room. 

At my school, there are so many different places you can study that many people do not take advantage. There is the:

Union Ballroom - there were two other people here, but they were hiding
A big empty room with ample light that allows for group projects because of the round tables as well as single study spaces. There are couches along the sides to curl up in if you need to take a nap, or just want to change seats. Finally, there are big windows to look out and people watch or check the weather before you go back to your dorm room. 

Dining Centers
A dining center on campus - no one was here
The main dining center on campus will close when meals aren't being served, but the other dining centers on campus will be open to sit at and study all the time. You just can't always get food from them (which, to avoid the "freshmen 15" and "sophomore 10" is probably a good thing), but you have plenty of space where you can just sit and relax. Sometimes noise is being made, by the staff, but unless you need ABSOLUTE silence, this is probably okay for most people

Multi Purpose Room 
Not all schools have one of these rooms, but a lot do. On my campus, this room has tables and couches and allows for a perfect setting between relaxing and structured. 

Floor Study Rooms
Now I don't recommend studying in your room (even though I do it more than I should), studying on your floor is a great option, especially if almost everyone on your floor have gone other places to study. Your floor is then quiet and you don't have to worry about packing up everything you need to go somewhere. If you forget something, that is OKAY! Just hop back over to your room. But beware. Don't turn on your TV or lay in bed when you go back in. You'll just ruin the momentum you had beforehand. 

Many individual schools have their own specialized lounges, equipped with books or information that could help you individually with your major. Take advantage of these lounges or other lounges (if you can get into them - some you may have to have swipe access). 

Like I mentioned above, sleep is important. One problem with the library (and some other buildings) being opened 24 hours a day until the end of finals means that you have absolutely no reason to go back to your room and go to sleep. Studies have proven that sleep is very important for remembering what you have just learned. So by going to places that will close by a certain time, you have that incentive to go back to your room and go to sleep for some time. Sleep is also important for your health. You don't want to get sick during finals week, so take care of yourself. Eat some fruits and veggies while snacking instead of eating ice cream the whole week. Exchange one soda with a cold water. These things will help. You'd be surprised. Take care of yourself and you will do better on your finals than you were expecting. 

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