Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Using PowerPoint to Study

PowerPoint is a great utensil to use while studying. It really can be used as note cards. If you need to know concepts or memorize a sequence, PowerPoint helps the most.
Most note card apps (and real note cards) give you two sides, a front side and a backside. You cannot hide concepts one at a time. With PowerPoint, you can use animations to keep steps in order. 

How to make a note cards:

Make the title of the PowerPoint the title of the note card.
Here: Health Promotion (YA) (Young adult)

Make the bullet points the information on the card.
Here: Immunizations, HIV/AIDS, etc.
Click your first bullet point. 
Go to animations and decide which one to use. 
If you want the information to appear one-at-a-time, click the first bullet point and each main bullet point will be given an animation. If you want the information to appear all at the same time then highlight the whole section.
PowerPoint is really a helpful study tool to use, especially in nursing school. I used it mostly during Human Development. The only problem that I can think of is that it does not randomize the slides. But to counter that problem, you can put your notes on a slide show so it will be full screen. That reduces a lot of distractions that you could have on your computer. 

Do you use anything else that helps you study?

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