On the first day of classes your professors want to get to know you. Most likely they'll have you introduce yourself by saying your name, where you're from, and a fun fact about yourself.
"Hi, I'm Kathleen, from Pennsylvania, and my fun fact is....." *cue stammering as I prepare a fact about myself.*
You want your fact to make yourself sound interesting and you want to stand out.
Here are some things to think about when you think of your fact:
Have you ever been on a fun vacation anywhere?
Have you ever been out of the country for any reason?
Is this your first time out of state?
Did you ever go on a mission trip?
Did you have an interesting job or internship that applies to your major?
Do you have any hobbies or special talents, like singing, cooking, drawing, or playing a sport?
Do you have any special certifications, like a scuba diving license or a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)?
Is there something cool about you or your family, like you've been around the world or you're a twin/triplet?
Have you ever met a celebrity or sports star?
Did you ever get sick or injured in a funny way?
1) Keep it short and sweet.
2) Be honest. Your classmates are the people you're trying to make your friends.
3) Keep it light & cheery. Instead of "My great grandmother died last month" say "My great grandmother lived to be 104." See the difference?
What was your fun fact?